2. Choose the proper form: gerund, gerund + preposition, preposition +

gerund and fill in the blanks.

1. ... the surface of the country is of great importance.

A. by mentioning В. mentioning

С. on mentioning D. after mentioning

2. Highland Britain is worth ... .

A. of seeing В. seeing С. in seeing D. on seeing

3. The UK continues ... commerce.

A. with succeeding В. succeeding with

С. in succeeding D. succeeding in

4. The UK succeeds ... one of the important commercial centres of the


A. remaining В. in remaining

С. on remaining D. remaining in

5. The English people started ... their national flag “the Union Jack”

long ago.

A. naming В. with naming С. on naming D. in naming

6. The country people went ... their mother tongue.

A. on speaking В. with speaking С. of speaking D. by speaking

7. The Welsh people have the habit ... their mother tongue.

A. in speaking В. on speaking С. speaking D. of speaking

8. ... the thistle as the national emblem of Scotland, Scotsmen began to

wear it on their jackets.

A. without choosing В. choosing

С. in choosing D. on choosing

9. One canʼt describe the surface of the country ... lakes and rivers.

A. with mentioning В. without mentioning

С. on mentioning D. in mentioning

10. Many people like the idea ... Scotland.

A. of visiting В. in visiting С. on visiting D. by visiting

3. The text contains different mistakes: 4 — spelling, 3 — in grammar.

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

One cannot describe the UK without mention Wales, a highland

country. Some people like visit Snowdonia, a park in the region of high

mountains. The population of Wales is about 3 milion people. Cardiff, the

kapital and the largest city of Wales, is situate near the river Taff. Since

ancient times the Welsh have been fond of singing. Nowdays the standart

of singing is very high.

4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about London.

1. Where is London situated?

A. On the right bank of the Thames.

В. On the left high bank of the Thames.

С. On both banks of the river Thames.

2. How many people does London comprise?

A. 8 million people.

В. 7 million people.

С. 6 million people.

3. How many parts can London be divided into?

A. 4 parts.

В. 2 parts.

С. 3 parts.

4. Where is Westminster Abbey situated?

A. in the City.

В. in the East End.

С. in the workers' region.

5. How is the City often called?

A. the goods of London.

В. the hands of London.

С. the money of London.

6. Where do Londoners like to spend their free time?

A. in numerous banks.

В. in the shops.

С. in the green parks.

7. What is the heart of London?

A. Westminster Abbey.

В. the Tower.

С. the City.

angelinamikhay angelinamikhay    3   09.04.2020 20:41    70

Vasilyeva5 Vasilyeva5  10.04.2020 01:30
A 1
D 2
C 3
C 4
B 5
A 6
D 7
A 8
B 9
C 10
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