Порядок выполнения упражнений к тексту: 2. Fill in the gaps (Заполните пропуски):

1. Science and technology …. the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.

2. Trivial things created by the scientific progress would seem …. to our ancestors,

3. The great inventions made our life easy, …. and … .

4. Our life has changed beyond …. .

5. The second part of the 20th century has brought a number of …. .

6. Rapid scientific progress has ... a number of problems that are a matter of our great.

3. Finish the sentences (Закончите предложения):

1. Scientists investigate the laws of the Universe, discover the secrets of the nature and then

a) write thick books improving the life of people.

b) invent different machines improving the life of people.

c) apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people.

2. Our life nowadays, as compared with the life of the people at the beginning of the 20th century

a) has not changed at all.

c) has become more pleasant and comfortable.

3. Our century has had several names that were connected with

a) a certain era in science and technology.

b) a certain era in art and music.

c) the development of the society.

4. Answer the questions (ответьте на вопросы):

1. What is the role of science and technology in our life?

2. What things, which we use in our everyday life, would seem miracles to our ancestors?

3. How have great inventions changed our life?

4. What problems has the rapid scientific progress aroused?

5. Share your ideas about (Письменно изложите, что вы думаете о данных утверждениях (Три предложения на каждое утверждение)):

1. Trivial things that make our life comfortable, but would seem miracles to our ancestors.

2. Why the 20th century was called the atomic age; the age of the conquest of space and the information era.

3. Newer fields in science and the responsibility of the scientist.

4. The problems caused by the rapid scientific progress.

magamedgalaev9 magamedgalaev9    1   10.03.2021 06:41    502

4747384673838 4747384673838  22.01.2024 05:48
Порядок выполнения упражнений к тексту:

2. Fill in the gaps (Заполните пропуски):

1. Science and technology contribute to the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature. (обоснование: научные и технологические достижения помогают нам развивать цивилизацию и сотрудничать с природой)
2. Trivial things created by the scientific progress would seem miraculous to our ancestors. (обоснование: технологический прогресс позволяет нам создавать незначительные вещи, которые кажутся нашим предкам чудесными)
3. The great inventions made our life easy and comfortable. (обоснование: большие изобретения сделали нашу жизнь легкой и комфортной)
4. Our life has changed beyond recognition. (обоснование: наша жизнь изменилась до неузнаваемости)
5. The second part of the 20th century has brought a number of advancements. (обоснование: вторая половина 20 века принесла множество достижений)
6. Rapid scientific progress has led to a number of problems that are of great concern to us. (обоснование: быстрый научный прогресс привел к ряду проблем, которые являются предметом нашей большой озабоченности)

3. Finish the sentences (Закончите предложения):

1. Scientists investigate the laws of the Universe, discover the secrets of nature, and then apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. (обоснование: ученые исследуют законы Вселенной, открывают секреты природы, а затем применяют свои знания на практике, улучшая жизнь людей)
2. Our life nowadays, as compared with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century, has become more pleasant and comfortable. (обоснование: наша жизнь в наше время, по сравнению с жизнью людей в начале 20 века, стала приятнее и комфортнее)
3. Our century has had several names that were connected with the development of society. (обоснование: наш век имел несколько названий, связанных с развитием общества)

4. Answer the questions (ответьте на вопросы):

1. The role of science and technology in our life is significant. They contribute to the development of civilization, help us in our co-operation with nature, and improve the quality of life through various inventions and advancements.
2. The things that we use in our everyday life, such as smartphones, airplanes, and electricity, would seem like miracles to our ancestors who didn't have access to such advancements.
3. Great inventions have changed our life by making it easier, more convenient, and more comfortable. They have automated tasks, improved communication, and increased productivity.
4. The rapid scientific progress has caused several problems, such as environmental pollution, ethical dilemmas related to genetic engineering and artificial intelligence, and potential threats to privacy and security.

5. Share your ideas about (Письменно изложите, что вы думаете о данных утверждениях (Три предложения на каждое утверждение)):

1. Trivial things that make our life comfortable, but would seem miracles to our ancestors:
- Modern transportation systems like cars and airplanes have revolutionized travel and made it convenient and fast.
- The internet allows us to access a vast amount of information and connect with people around the world, enhancing our knowledge and communication.
- Advanced medical technologies, such as MRI scanners and robotic surgery, have greatly improved healthcare and increased the chances of successful treatment.

2. Why the 20th century was called the atomic age; the age of the conquest of space and the information era:
- The 20th century witnessed the development and utilization of atomic energy, leading to the creation of atomic bombs and the nuclear power industry.
- The exploration of space and the moon landing by humans marked significant achievements in space exploration and scientific progress.
- The rapid advancements in information technology, such as the invention of computers and the internet, shaped the information era and revolutionized communication and data processing.

3. Newer fields in science and the responsibility of the scientist:
- Fields like biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence present new frontiers for scientific discoveries and innovations.
- Scientists have the responsibility to ensure that their research and inventions are used ethically and for the benefit of society, without causing harm or creating unnecessary risks.
- Collaboration between scientists from different fields is crucial to tackle complex global challenges, such as climate change, pandemics, and sustainable development.

4. The problems caused by the rapid scientific progress:
- The rapid pace of scientific progress can lead to unintended consequences and ethical dilemmas, requiring thorough examination and regulation.
- In some cases, scientific advancements may exacerbate social inequality and create divisions between those who have access to technology and those who don't.
- It is important to balance scientific progress with sustainability and environmental stewardship to avoid irreversible damage to our planet and future generations.
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