Портфолио о собаки: кличка фаворит роз иллисия (алиска) порода (йоркширский терьер) возраст ( 4 года 04.11.2014г)описание чем занимается,что любит,характер(она веселая,игрунья,красавица, добрая и шаловливая)

Julydd Julydd    2   18.09.2019 17:00    1

Тетрадь22 Тетрадь22  10.09.2020 11:46
My dog ​​was called Alice to her 4 years she was born on 4.11.2014 goda.u her breed is a Yorkshire terrier. She is very fast and quick! She likes to eat and play! I go with her to walk. I really love my dog. She sleeps next to a soma on the bed and warms the night. When the guests come all like my dog! And she's an excellent guar
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