Портфолио: напишите краткое письмо своему другу о том, что вы и ваша семья делаете дома сегодня (50-60 слов). вы можете использовать электронную почту в 2 в качестве модели. надо ! 20

tigr951 tigr951    1   18.09.2019 12:40    7

dfoddo dfoddo  08.10.2020 00:00
Hi, my dear friend. Great to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written for so long because I was ill.What a wonderful day I have. Saturday is a very good day to spend it with your lovely family. We appreciate our time wich we spend together and do many interesting things with each other. For example, today we have had fascinating walk to the park and hd picnic there. After that we dicided to go to the cinema. We watch funny comedy about school. That day was amazing. Well, I'd better go now to do my homework.See you soon
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