Shops can be located in separate buildings based on functional characteristics (bakery, fruit and vegetables, etc.) and in shopping centers.
In recent years, shopping centers have become more widespread.
The location of shopping centers and the space-planning solution must be provided based on the functional purpose, location of trade enterprises and the type of goods: everyday goods
(bread, meat, fish, groceries, dairy products, etc.) and goods of periodic use (manufactured goods, ready-made dresses, hats, radio and photographic goods, bicycles, perfumes, etc.).
Residential area shopping center.
Shops can be located in separate buildings based on functional characteristics (bakery, fruit and vegetables, etc.) and in shopping centers.
In recent years, shopping centers have become more widespread.
The location of shopping centers and the space-planning solution must be provided based on the functional purpose, location of trade enterprises and the type of goods: everyday goods
(bread, meat, fish, groceries, dairy products, etc.) and goods of periodic use (manufactured goods, ready-made dresses, hats, radio and photographic goods, bicycles, perfumes, etc.).