Подчеркните причастия, определите какая форма причастия используется: 4) the plants are eaten by animals, including people and fish, which exhale carbon 5) drinking water treated with ozone is absolutely free from bacteria and has no unpleasant taste 6) the dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly liberating oxygen, it decomposing more rapidly when heated or exposed to sunlight

dree123 dree123    3   03.09.2019 03:10    5

aydin6 aydin6  06.10.2020 13:47
4) eaten (participle 2), including (participle 1)
5) drinking (participle 1) treated (participle 2)
6) liberating (participle 1),decomposing (participle 1) heated (participle 2) exposed (participle 2)
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