Jennifer is tall and slim Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy hair John is the young boy with the spiky blond hair Mum and dad both have dark tans My brother has long hair You have green eyes and curly blond hair My baby sister has a cute face My uncle is really tall with a mustache My hair is shoulder-length Adam has freckles on his face
Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy hair
John is the young boy with the spiky blond hair
Mum and dad both have dark tans
My brother has long hair
You have green eyes and curly blond hair
My baby sister has a cute face
My uncle is really tall with a mustache
My hair is shoulder-length
Adam has freckles on his face
brown eyes or wavy hair
spiky blond hair
dark tans
long hair
curly blond hair
cute face (она же не хрюшка с хвостом)