Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Укажи время. К каждому предложению напиши вопрос и отрицание.
1. Mary reads stories every evening.
2. Mary is playing games now.
3. They often solve proЫems.
4. They are counting at the moment.

Азим721 Азим721    2   06.04.2021 12:49    1

олеся786 олеся786  06.04.2021 12:50

1. Mary reads stories every evening. = Present Simple

Mary doesn't read stories every evening

Does Mary read stories every evening?

2. Mary is playing games now. = Present Continuous

Mary isn't playing games now.

Is Mary playing games now?

3. They often solve problems. = Present Simple

They don't often solve problems

Do they often solve problems?

4. They are counting at the moment. = Present Continuous

They aren't counting at the moment

Are they counting at the moment?

Taekook19 Taekook19  06.04.2021 12:50

1. Mary reads stories every evening.

? — Does Mary read stories every evening?

- — Mary doesn't read stories every evening.

2. Mary is playing games now.

? — Is Mary playing games now?

- — Mary isn't playing games now.

3. They often solve proЫems.

? — Do they often solve problems?

- — They don't often solve problems.

4. They are counting at the moment.

? — Are they counting at the moment?

- — They aren't counting at the moment.

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