Подчеркни слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу вместо пропуска. 1) have you bought christmas present for all your а)relations b)situations c)relatives d)nicknames 2)let's have breakfast.i've already table. a)cleared b)put c)taken out d)set 3)" the rubbish,please," his mother said a)get rid of b)take out c)bring d)wash up 4)his brother joined us an hour later/ a)elder b) older c) bigger d) greather 5) my aunt is going to cook a giant . a) pepper b) pie c) picnic d) party

garaaj garaaj    3   31.05.2019 03:40    2

Асамия Асамия  01.07.2020 13:46
 1c)relatives  2b)put 3c)bring 4)elde  5b) pie
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