Подберите вопросы к эти ответам,начиная со слов в скобках. 1)miss chatter got a lot of postcards on her birthday.(what) 2)last year the winter was cold and snowy.(when) 3)yesterday tiny wrote a christmas card to his friend billy.(why) 4)jill`s cake was tasty and nice.(was) 5)he ran very well the day befjre yesterday.(how) 6)they lived in a small house.(did)

marinamelnik19p07421 marinamelnik19p07421    1   30.05.2019 19:50    3

zexer9p07xi1 zexer9p07xi1  30.06.2020 22:57
What miss chatter got on her birthday
when was cold and snowy
why  tiny wrote  a christmas card to his friend yesterday
was jills cake 
 how he  ran the day befire yesterday 
did they a small house
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