Подберите соответствующие значения к данным глаголам: to appoint, to belong, to doubt, to hand, to install, to accuse, to apologize, to object,' to prefer, to postpone, to sign, to refuse, to regret 1. to put off until another time; 2. to give to smb.; 3. to make a protest against smth.; 4. to be a member of; 5. to say one is sorry; 6. to choose a date (time, place) of a meeting; 7. to write one's name on a document to show that one agrees with the contents; 8. to place apparatus; 9. to say that smb has done smth wrong, broke thelaw; 10. to be sorry for smth; 11. to like better; 12. to say «no» to a request; 13. to feel doubt about smth.

lolipop101 lolipop101    2   25.06.2019 15:40    2

ladhice ladhice  20.07.2020 18:28
To appoint - 6 To belong - 4 To doubt - 13 To hand - 2 To install - 8 To accuse - 9 To apologize - 5 To object - 3 To prefer - 11 To postpone - 1 To sign - 7 To refuse - 12 To regret - 5