Подалуйста.придумать5утвердительных,5отрицательных предложений.(have got/has got,haven't got,hasn't got)и 5 вопросительных

Arx Arx    2   09.08.2019 10:50    2

Floren255 Floren255  04.10.2020 07:07
На утверждение:
1) I have got the money.
2) She's got the CD.
3) We've got our pencils.
4) My uncles have got a lemon.
5) He has got a chance.
1) I haven't got any problems.
2) Their mother hasn't got to work tomorrow.
3) We haven't got a brother like that.
4) They haven't got a big house.
5) He hasn't got my lemon.
1) Have I got to play in football?
2) Has my slave got something?
3) Have we got anything to eat?
4) Has got or have got?
5) Have you got a cup of tea?