Почему я не должен портить вещи людей сочинение

Алиска3245 Алиска3245    2   01.10.2019 15:03    1

наифа наифа  09.10.2020 07:59

Why I must not spoil people's things

I'd like to tell you about my thoughts on this topic. I'd like to say that everybody should understand that people's things are dear to them.

I shouldn't break or spoil it because:

Firstly, it's not my thing.

Secondly, people will be sad because of it.

Third, they can make me pay for it.

When I spoil people's thing, I can hurt them and maybe they will spoil smth mine.

Sometimes I can do it by chance, but I always try to fix it.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that you should think about people's feeling and don't hurt them and their things.

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