По языку перевод once upon a time a wicked witch cast a spell and there was a big storm. a strong wind took a small farmhouse, with a little girl and her dog in it to a magic contry . the farmhouse fell on the wicked with and killed her . the little girl,whose name was dorothy, went with her dog along the yellow brick road to emerald city. the wise wizard from that citi could help her get back home . on the road, the brave girl met three friends, the scarecrow, the tin woodman and cowardly lion . the scarecrow wanted to be wise ; the tin woodman wanted to be kind and the lion wanted to be brave . when they came to emerald palace , they met the wisard who turned into a huge head . then they saw him as a deautiful woman , and ugly beast and a ball of fire завтра надо перевод показывать а я и начало не поняла
Odnazhdy zlaya ved'ma nalozhila zaklinaniye, i nachalsya sil'nyy shtorm. Sil'nyy veter vzyal nebol'shoy fermerskiy domik, s malen'koy devochkoy i yeye sobakoy v ney, chtoby magiya contry. Ferma upala na nechestivykh s i ubila yeye. Malen'kaya devochka, imya kotoroy bylo Doroti, poshla so svoyey sobakoy po Zheltoy doroge v Izumrudnyy gorod. Mudryy volshebnik iz etogo goroda mog pomoch' yey vernut'sya domoy. Na doroge otvazhnaya devushka poznakomilas' s tremya druz'yami, Chuchelom, Olovyannym Lesnikom i Truslivym L'vom. Strashila khotel byt' mudrym; Olovyannyy Vudman khotel byt' dobrym, i lev khotel byt' khrabrym. Kogda oni prishli v Izumrudnyy dvorets, oni vstretili Usarda, kotoryy prevratilsya v ogromnuyu golovu. Togda oni uvideli yego kak zhenshchinu-devstvennitsu, urodlivogo zverya i ognennyy shar ...