По нужно подчеркнуть participle 1 и participle 2 и установить функции каждого из них. 1)large industrial areas with cities are supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants. 2) the plant producing electtricity is very powerful. 3)a steam generator includes a series of heat exchangers comprising tubes. 4)when handling a battery keep it away from your clothes

maksim2286 maksim2286    1   24.06.2019 02:30    0

Таиса432156789 Таиса432156789  19.07.2020 18:40
1) Large industrial areas with cities are supplied (Participle II, часть сказуемого) from electric networks fed (Participle II, определение) by electric power plants.
2) The plant producing (Participle I, определение) electricity is very powerful.
3) A steam generator includes a series of heat exchangers comprising (Participle I, определение) tubes.
4) When handling (Participle I, обстоятельство) a battery keep it away from your clothes
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