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larkina2000 larkina2000    3   23.09.2019 21:28    0

КристинаШпиц КристинаШпиц  08.10.2020 13:33
The picture shows different animals, a river that flows nearby. From the picture we can say that the time of year is summer.

На рисунке изображены разные животные, река, протекающая неподалеку. По рисунку можно сказать, что время года - лето
animebit81 animebit81  08.10.2020 13:33

This forest is very unusual. There are a lot of different animals.

In the long river live a big brown crocodile.

Herons are standing next to them. A big pig is looking for nuts under a tree. The snake whispers loudly, crawling between the stones. And deer in the depths of the forest run to the meadow.

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