1. Is Sherlok Holmes a very clever person?
Why is Sherlok Holmes a very clever person?
Is Sherlok Holmes a very clever or kind person?
Sherlok Holmes is a very clever person, isn'the?
Who is a very clever person?
2. Was the cat very hungry?
When was the cat very hungry?
Was the cat or the dog very hungry?
The cat was very hungry, wasn't it?
Who was very hungry?
1. Is Sherlok Holmes a very clever person?
Why is Sherlok Holmes a very clever person?
Is Sherlok Holmes a very clever or kind person?
Sherlok Holmes is a very clever person, isn'the?
Who is a very clever person?
2. Was the cat very hungry?
When was the cat very hungry?
Was the cat or the dog very hungry?
The cat was very hungry, wasn't it?
Who was very hungry?