fatter- the fattest
dirtier- the dirtiest
cleaner- the cleanest
warmer- the warmest
colder- the coldest
nicer- the nicest
It was the coldest day in the month.
My room is the cleanest .
He gave me the nicest present.
Your shoes are the dirtiest!
My friend’s cat is the fattest cat I have ever seen.
It is the warmest jacket I have ever had.
fatter- the fattest
dirtier- the dirtiest
cleaner- the cleanest
warmer- the warmest
colder- the coldest
nicer- the nicest
It was the coldest day in the month.
My room is the cleanest .
He gave me the nicest present.
Your shoes are the dirtiest!
My friend’s cat is the fattest cat I have ever seen.
It is the warmest jacket I have ever had.