плз, совсем не шарю.
1. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо:

…. most common type of …. computer is ….. digital computer. …. largest digital computers are …. parts of …..computer system that fill …. large room. ….smallest digital computers – some so small they can pass through …. eye of …. needle – are found inside …. watches, ….pocket calculators, and … other devices.

2. Заполните пропуски глаголами to have, to be:

People … used calculating devices since ancient times. The first electronic room … filled with the computer. Since then rapid improvement in computer technology … led to the development of smaller, more powerful, and less expensive computers. But computers … not able to think. A user … to tell the computer in very simple terms exactly what to do with the data it receives. A list of instructions for a computer to follow … called a program.

danillirka danillirka    3   06.04.2020 18:52    66

isa2221 isa2221  27.04.2020 04:35


изи бризи ладно я шучу я сам незнаю но за балы

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