Плеаз Найди правильное окончание предложения.
Give the money to the dog – Give the money to the brother
Don`t talk to the walls
Play with the cupboard
Bring me your room
Listen to the door
Tidy some water please
Don`t draw on your brother
Clean this song
Don`t open the driver
Don`t sing the news
2- Составь отрицательное и утвердительное предложения в повелительном наклонении.
It is raining. Take your umbrella with you!
It`s raining
The water is durty
I want to look at ostriches (страусы)
It`s dark here
It`s hot and sunny today
I need to clean the flat today
My birthday is tomorrow
I`ve got a headache


have a party
go to the beach
turn on the light
play loud music
help me
go to the zoo
take your umbrella with you
swim here

MDMOD1 MDMOD1    3   18.11.2020 13:27    62

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