Planet Earth Forests are home to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the air and produce oxygen. We destroy forests every minute. We throw away thousands of trees in paper every day.
The oceans are home to millions of marine animals. We pollute the oceans with rubbish. Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and die when they eat them.
The climate gets warmer, the ice melts and the sea rises.
Rivers collect rain water. Plants clean the water. Farms and factories pollute the rivers. Every day we each flush about 50 litres of water down the toilet.
People should respect nature and live a long and healthy life!

Task 2. Write the missing words in the sentences.
1. Forests are home to over half of the world’s and plants.
2. clean the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.
3. The are home to millions of marine animals.

Task 3. Mark T for True or F for False sentence.
1. Turtles die when they eat plastic bags.
2. The climate gets colder.
3. Farms and factories don’t pollute the rivers.

Task 4. Link the sentences. Fill in the gaps with connectors so, or, because, and. Use each connector only once.

1. When it is raining people wear raincoats take an umbrella.
2. We put on warm coats and mittens we are going to make a snowman.
3. It is very hot today we are wearing T-shirts, shorts and sandals.
4. It is cool and wet in autumn sometimes it can be windy and foggy

Task 5. Think about one animal and give short answers to the questions about it.
What is the name of the animal?

Where does it live?

What does the animal eat?

What kind of animal is it?​

Planet Earth Forests are home to over half of the world’s animals and plants. Trees clean the air an

lika343 lika343    3   16.03.2021 12:14    13

Military47 Military47  15.04.2021 12:15

task 1





task 2

1 animals and plants

2 trees

3 the okeans

task 3

1 true

2 false

3 false

task 4

1 and

2 because

3 so

4 or

task 5

1 tiger

2 Tigers live mainly in Asia, but it is practically throughout Asia, in its various climatic zones, from the Siberian taiga to the South Asian jungles of Sumatra.

3 The main diet of tigers consists exclusively of meat of cloven-hoofed animals, such as moose, wild boars, red deer, roe deer, and small species of these predators often consume small animals such as rabbits, wild boars, etc.

4 The tiger is the largest feline. This family also includes the panther, lynx, cheetah, but the tiger is larger than them.

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