ПИСЬМОВО: Розкрийте дужки, поставивши слова у правильній формі. 1. I can’t imagine her … (drive) a car.
2. He agreed … (buy) his son a new CD player.
3. I enjoy … (drive) at night.
4. The man asked me … (open) the door.
5. I look forward to … (see) you at the weekend.
6. Are you thinking of … (visit) New York?
7. We decided … (stay) in that beautiful town.
8. The teacher expected Michael … (study) hard.
9. He doesn’t mind … (work) the night shift.
10. I learned … (ride) a bike at the age of 6.
11. The girl go on … (read) the book

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natali251081 natali251081  29.12.2020 17:18

ответ: 1. driving; 2. to buy; 3. driving; 4. to open; 5. to saw; 6. visiting; 7. to stay; 8. studying 9. working; 10. to ride; 11. reading


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