письмо на английском: Ваш друг пригласил вас посетить Великобританию летом. Напишите ему / ей письмо (не менее 50 слов), в котором и почему Спросите о времени визита, Скажите, что вы знаете о достопримечательностях в Великобритании, Скажите, какие места вы хотели бы посетить и почему

kate2224 kate2224    3   13.05.2021 20:08    0

Діанка465 Діанка465  12.06.2021 20:09

Hi, thanks for the invitation, I have wanted to visit the UK for a long time. I would like to inquire about the time of my visit to the UK? I know that there are many attractions, England alone is famous for a huge number of places that you can visit. I really want to visit London and visit the popular Big Ben, I also know that before Big Ben was called Elizabeth Tower. Arriving in the UK, one cannot but visit the beautiful Scotland, see the beauty of these unforgettable mountains, rocks and just enjoy this unspoiled nature. I would love to visit England to see the changing of the guard, ride a huge Ferris wheel and look at the popular red double-decker buses. In general, I can't wait for our meeting.


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