;\ письмо другу о том как я провел новый год

arina121212 arina121212    3   02.10.2019 03:50    0

abdylaevapatima abdylaevapatima  09.10.2020 10:55
For almost 2018, I decided to write how I spent my last new year.
We met him with the whole family. We sat near the tree and I unpacked my presents. After that, we sat down at the table. He had so many different goodies. Of course there was a salad Olivier. You would know how tasty it was. Especially I ate a lot of tangerines.
When they began to beat the chimes in the distance, I noticed a salute. He was very beautiful.
After we struck the chimes, my family and I went outside. And they began to run their fireworks. It was our first fireworks that we launched ourselves. There were also crackers.
In general, it was a lot of fun.
I hope you will also write how I spent the new year, only already 2018.
Holiday greetings.
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