Письмо другу на английском. Тема про дз: 1) напишите, сколько домашних заданий вы делаете каждую неделю
2) опишите преимущества и недостатки домашних заданий
3) дайте свое личное мнение.​

danyXelper danyXelper    3   16.10.2020 08:50    0

приветпока4 приветпока4  15.11.2020 08:50

Hello my friend. How are you? What are you doing? I finished doing my homework. I do about 20 homework assignments a week, how much do you think? The advantages of homework are that we improve our knowledge and check how much we understood the topic. But there are also disadvantages. When we ask a lot of homework, we do not have time, and we have trouble sleeping. My opinion: there should be homework, but not a lot Good bye



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