Phrasal verbs. choose the best variant. 1. at exactly 11.30 i shall ask you to hand (down / in / over) your test. 2. this legend was handed (down / in / over) from generation to generation. 3. my bike has broken (down / out / away). may i use yours? 4. the child looked at the picture and broke (away / out / into) tears. 5. world war ii broke (away / out / into) in 1939. 6. i have never come (off / round / across) such a phrase in english. 7. will you come (off / round / across) tonight? 8. will you come to the airport to see me (off / to / through)? 9. don’t try to fool me. i can see (off / to / through) your tricks. 10. there are only 7 people left in the group – 5 dropped (off / out / on) last month.
2 handed down
3 broken down
4 broke into
5 broke out
6 come across
7 come round
8 see me off
9 see through
10 dropped out