Переводите из прямой речи в косвенную: 1. nick said: "when are you going to have a party? " 2. julia said: "there are many holidays during the year? " 3. julia said: "polish the floors, clean the carpets before the party, dorothy." 4. nick said: "will the guests come tomorrow? " 5. nick said: "did the guests come yesterday? " 6. nick said: "when did have a party? " 7. i said: "we desided to celebrate this holiday together? "

AnnaMarkeca91 AnnaMarkeca91    2   22.09.2019 23:00    0

saida1808 saida1808  08.10.2020 10:51
1. Nick asked when I was going to have a party.
2. Julia said that there were many holidays during the year.
3. Julia said to Dorothy to polish the floor, clean the carpets before the party.
4. Nick asked if the guests would come the next day.
5. Nick asked if the guests had come the day before.
6. Nick asked when we had had a party.
7. I said that we had decided to celebrate that holiday together. (I asked if we had decided to celebrate that holiday together . - если это вопросительное предложение )
В последнем предложении ( 7 ) знак вопроса не к месту.
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