Перевод. the importance of customer contact the american computer manufacturer hewlett-packard ran a very successful customer visit programme. the idea of the visits to hp customers wasnot to sell the company's products, bus simply to listen and learn. the visits were conducted by mixed teams who visited between ten and forty customers. these teams included a project engineer from the research and development department, and a person from marketing who played a part in putting the product on the market. in most cases, a sales rep who was responsible for each customer was also present. in a questionnaire, 88% of staff involved in the programme said that customer satisfaction was better as a result of the visits. about 90% indicated that the visits gave them ideas for changing the products or services offered to customers. this programme showed the value of customer contact for all employees in an organization. in so many companies, it is only those who work in sales, marketing, customer service, or technical support who have direct contact with customers