Перевод текста The telegraph could not carry (nepedasamo)
voices. People used a special code (Kod) to send
words over the telegraph.
The telephone was invented by A. G. Bell, who
was born in Scotland, in 1847. The first telephone
was not at all like the one we use today. The per-
son who talked into it could not hear; and the
person who heard could not talk.
Some years later, there were telephones all
over the world. Telephone lines became longer
and longer. In 1915 the first coast-to-coast line
was opened, from New York to San Francisco.
The first telephone еxсhаngе (телефонная
cmahuw) opened in Moscow in 1882. At that
time it served 61 clients. Ten years later, their
number was 1400
Today we can talk across seas, oceans and
continents: there is hardly a corner of civilized
world that cannot be reached by telephone.​

ььь55 ььь55    2   16.10.2020 15:02    1

gojenovalilya gojenovalilya  16.10.2020 16:01

слишком много очень 3×3=9


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