Перевод текста. (перевод личный, с переводчиком я и сам смогу using antibiotics unnecessarily we encourage the rapid spread of antibiotic-resistant infections. it has long been known that overuse of antibiotics on factory farms leads to antibiotic resistance in food poisoning bacteria, like salmonella. farmers often give penicillin to cows and poultry, and because of this, penicillin is found in the milk of treated cows. sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, com monly being used to preserve color in meats. nitrate is not toxic unless swallowed in large amounts, but the possible effects of nitrite produced from it should be considered. bacteria normally found in the mouth though cause the reduction of nitrate to nitrite, it also comes from several foods, such as vegetables, cured meats, and it may be produced when food is poorly stored.