Перевод на 1)сегодня погода хуже,чем вчера 2) язык труднее,чем 3)наташа рассказала нам о самом красивом дворце в лондоне 4)в этом году ты занимаешься лучше,чем в в нашем классе больше учеников,чем в вашем
1) Today weather worse than yesterday 2) Russian language most difficult than English 3) Natasha saw ourself about the most beautiful palace in London. 4) This year you worker than last 5) Our class has bigger students than your
В верхнем переводе были ошибки. 1) Today the weather is worth than yesterday 2) Russian is more difficult that English 3) Natasha told us about the most beautiful castle in London 4) This year, you learn better than last year 5) In our class there are more pupils than in your class
2) Russian language most difficult than English
3) Natasha saw ourself about the most beautiful palace in London.
4) This year you worker than last
5) Our class has bigger students than your
1) Today the weather is worth than yesterday
2) Russian is more difficult that English
3) Natasha told us about the most beautiful castle in London
4) This year, you learn better than last year
5) In our class there are more pupils than in your class