Перевод in 1873, a well-kmow french writer jules verne published a novel about two travellers: mr foggs and passepartout, his servant. it is one of his famous books. the story started in london on october 2, 1872. mr foggs, a rich english gentelemen, desided to travel around the worlb in 80 days with his servant. their travel was full of adventures/ mr foggs and passepartout visited 6 countries crossed 4 seas and 2 oceans. they travelled by trains and ships, rode elephants , and even travelled on a sledge. they went to places which tourists had never visted before. they saw high mountains and hills green forest and beautiful valleys with rivers on the one hand their journey was exciting and interesting but, on the other hand, it was difficult and dagerous. mr foggs's plan cfmt true he and passepartout returned to london in 80 days. результаты () 1: in 1873, a well-kmow french writer jules verne published a novel about two travellers: mr foggs and passepartout, his servant. it is one of his famous books.the story started in london on october 2, 1872. mr foggs, a rich english gentelemen,desided to travel around the world in 80 days with his servant. their travel was full of adventures/ mr foggs and passepartout visited 6 countries crossed 4 seas and 2 oceans. they travelled by trains and ships, rode elephants , and even travelled on a sledge. they went to places which tourists had never visted before. they saw high mountains and hills green forest and beautiful valleys with rivers on the one hand their journey was exciting and interesting but, on the other hand, it was difficult and dagerous.mr foggs's plan come true he and passepartout returned to london in 80 days.

nzinulla nzinulla    1   02.08.2019 14:00    2

1Радуга1 1Радуга1  31.08.2020 07:57
В 1873 году, хорошо известный французский писатель Жюль Верн опубликовал роман о двух путешественниках

Мистер Foggs и своего слугу ,паспарту.Это одна из его известных книг.

Эта история началась в Лондоне 2 октября 1872 года. Господин Foggs, богатый английский ,джентельмен.

решил объехать весь мир за 80 дней вместе со своим слугой. Их путешествие было полно приключений/ мистер Foggs и паспарту посетил 6 стран пересекли 4 морей и 2 океана. Они путешествовали на поездах и кораблях, катались на слонах , и даже ездили на санках. Они ходили в места, которые туристы не посещали раньше. Они увидели высокие горы и холмы, зеленые леса и красивые долины с реками, с одной стороны, их путешествие было увлекательным и интересным, но, с другой стороны, трудным и опасным.

Foggs выполнил план ,он и паспарту вернулся в Лондон за 80 дней.
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