Перевод 30 ! chess boxing is a sport which combines the number one thinking sport, chess, with the number one fighting sport, boxing. t l: the two contestants have eleven alternating rounds of chess and boxing. they play chess for four minutes, have one minute to put on their boxing gloves and then box for two minutes before having another minute to get ready for the chess board again. each competitor has a total of twelve minutes on the chess clock and as soon as the time runs out, the game is over. the idea first appeared in a 1992 cartoon drawn by yugoslavian cartoonist enki bilal . inspired by bilal's book a dutch artist, lepe bt rubingh, decided to bring the idea to life. rubingh is now head of the world chess boxing organisation with the motto: fighting is done in the ring and wars are waged on the board. he is also the world champion. не organised and won the first world championship in amsterdam in 2003 and two years later the ist european chess boxing championship took place in berlin. since then, the sport has spread beyond europe and there are international tournaments as far apart as japan and the usa. combining the world's most brain challenging and brain damaging sports may seem crazy but is it. top chess players have to be very fit and, like top athletes, many of them follow strict exercise and diet routines. chess boxing demands the best of competitors both physically and mentally so it fulfils the classical ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body (mens sana in сorporе sano) it's possibly the perfect combination of brains and strength and it's definitely not a sport for the weak or cowardly.

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