Перевидите в косвеную речь. 1. "i can't afford to buy this dress,' said sally. 2. "i've already done the shopping,' she said. 3. "where do you usually go swimming? " she said. 4. "does it rain a lot in london? " said kate.

thefizrap0c5s5 thefizrap0c5s5    3   25.06.2019 07:10    13

AZINO7777 AZINO7777  20.07.2020 14:57
1. Sally said that she could not afford to buy that dress
2. She said that she had already done the shopping
3. She asked where did we usuallu gone swimming
4. Kate asked that did it rained a lot in London
александра7896 александра7896  23.03.2021 07:57

1. Sally said that she could not afford to buy that dress.

2. She said that she had already done the shopping.

3. She asked where I/you/we usually went swimming.

4. Kate asked if it rained a lot in London.

Bakeneko77 Bakeneko77  23.03.2021 07:57

1)Sally said that she could not afford to buy that dress

2)She said that she had already done the shopping

3)She asked where you usually went swimming

4)Kate asked if it rained a lot in London


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