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У Супермена красно-синея форма. Он может перепрыгнуть одно здание одним прыжком. Он самый популярный герои в Америки.

Супермена создали два старшеклассника их звали Джерри Сигель и Джо Шустер из Кливленда, штат Огайо. Они были не известны в своей школе, поэтому они создали супергероя.

По рассказу “Супермен”: Супермен прибыл из умирающей планеты Криптон. Его родители отправили его на Землю в ракете, чтобы его. Ракета приземлилась в Канзасе недалеко от города под названием Смолвиль. Два фермера нашли мальчика и назвали его Кларком. Когда Кларк повзрослел, он получил силу у Солнца. К тому времени он уже мог летать и видит сквозь стены.

Супермен - символ американской мечты. Он всё добивается своей силой. Его задача защищать беззащитных. Его все любят и гордятся!

zuzin77 zuzin77    3   01.04.2021 14:38    6

kridnyuta kridnyuta  01.05.2021 14:39



Superman has a red and blue uniform. He can jump over one building with one jump. He is the most popular hero in America.

Superman was created by two high school students named Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster from Cleveland, Ohio. They were not famous in their school, so they created a superhero.

Based on the Superman story: Superman comes from the dying planet of Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket to rescue him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. Two farmers found the boy and named him Clark. As Clarke matured, he received power from the Sun. By that time, he could already fly and can see through the walls.

Superman is the symbol of the American Dream. He achieves everything with his strength. His task is to protect the defenseless. Everyone loves and is proud of him!

Sofiagatsenko Sofiagatsenko  01.05.2021 14:39


Superman has a red and blue uniform. He can jump over one building with one jump. He is the most popular hero in America.

Superman was created by two high school students named Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster from Cleveland, Ohio. They were not famous in their school, so they are created as a superhero.

Based on the Superman story: Superman has arrived from the dying planet of Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket to rescue him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. Two farmers found the boy and named him Clark. As Clarke matured, he received power from the Sun. By that time, he could already fly and can see through the walls.

Superman is the symbol of the American Dream. He achieves everything with his strength. His task is to protect the defenseless. Everyone loves and is proud of him!

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