Перевидите текст i argued with him but he wouldn't even look up from his work.i went back to the sunday papers but every now and then i d get up and go out and watch him for couple of minutes.he spent three hours at it and finished the fence,all four sections of it.you should have seen him when he walked around the house to the terrace where i was sitting -he had paint all over him. some time during the afternoon he asked me if we were anywhere near chappaqua,and i said it was the next town,and he wanted to know if we had ever heard of gerston,the sculptor.we had heard of him, of course,and lautisse said he had once known gerston in paris, and would it be possible to get in touch with him? i got gerston on the telephone for him,but he talked in franch, and i have no idea what the conversation was about.
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