Перевидете на (без переводчика)) его папа был голубоглазым, и когда он думал о чём-то забавном можно было увидеть золотые огоньки. его делало угрюмым и серьезным только то, что он никогда не улыбается,он делал это глазами. на самом деле он веселый человек, который любит своего сына и заботиться о нем.он был отличным рассказчиком. которые он рассказывал превращались в сериал много ночей. заранее)

nik1716 nik1716    2   16.08.2019 06:00    1

варваритос2020 варваритос2020  02.08.2020 17:25
His dad was a blue-eyed, and when he thought of something funny you could see the golden lights. He made a sullen and serious only that he never smiles, he did so his eyes. In fact, he was very cheerful person who loves his son and take care of excellent rasskazchikom.Istorii nem.On was told that he turned into a series many nights.
джем16 джем16  02.08.2020 17:25
His father was blue-eyed, and when he thought of something funny, you could see golden lights. The only thing that made him look gloomy was that he never smiled, he did it with his eyes. Actually, he was a very cheerful person, who loved his son and took care of him. He was a great storyteller. Stories he told turned into serials for many nights.
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