Перевести в страдательный залог или активный 1.people watch soap operas nowadays 2.they after invite my sister to practise 3.people think that uneplayment will rise 4.someone told me a terrible secret 5.do many tourist visit spain every year? 6.drunker drivers cause a lot of accident 7. did they show you a new car 8.someone told me to wait outside 9. do they atill build ships i spain? 10.will mr.brown mark your test?

austry1337 austry1337    3   24.09.2019 02:10    0

авяпвяа авяпвяа  08.10.2020 13:54
1. Soap operas are watched nowadays.
2. my sister was invited to practice
3. unemployment is thought to rise
4. a terrible secret was told me 
5. is Spain visited by many tourists?
6. A lot of accidents are caused by drunken drivers
7. Was the car shown?
8. I was told to wait outside
9. are ships still being built in Spain?
10. Will your test be marked by Mr. Brown?
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