Перевести текст только не так как в переводчике: я не знаю, где он живет у меня нет его телефона почему она не пришла? скажите ему, что я скоро приду я не могу найти свои книги думаю, я встречу его вечером на станции тебе никто не звонил в комнате мы никого не увидели у меня ничего нет что ты принес? где мой туфли? я не могу их найти у моего друга большая коллекция марок в году я подарила ему большой альбом ты видел как наши мальчики играли в баскетбол? когда моя бабушка была маленькой девочкой , она любила петь и танцевать с кем ты разговариваешь? никого нет в комнате я разговариваю с моим братом по телефону поставить предлоги: i want to . where is jim? -he is the garden. we are looking our kitten. it is a black kitten a white spot its back. he went london last year. what will you drink your tea ? a cake or jam? i am waiting a bus.

VadimqaFL VadimqaFL    2   26.06.2019 22:40    2

udovilyudmila udovilyudmila  02.10.2020 12:28
I don`t know where he lives
I don`t have his phone
Why didn`t she come?
Tell him that i will come soon
I can`t find my books
I think i will mee him on the station in the evening
No one called you
We saw no one in the room
I have nothing
What did you bring?
Where are my shoes?
I can`t find them
My friend has got a big mark collection
I gave him a big album last year
Have you seem that our boys played basketball?
When my granny was little girl she liked sing and dance
Who do you talk to? There is no one in the room
I am talking with my brother on the phone

I want to speak with you. Where is Jim? - He`s working in the garden.
We are looking at our kitten. It`s a black kitten with a white spot on its back. He went to London last year. What will you drink your tea with? With a cake or a jam?I`m waiting for a bus.
Koteykatyan Koteykatyan  02.10.2020 12:28
I don't know where does he live
I don't have his number (phone)
Why she didn't come?
Say him, I'll come soon
I can't find my books
I think I'll meet him tonight on the station
Nobody call you
We didn't see anyone in the room
I don't have anything( I have nothing)
What did you bring?
Where are my shoes?
I can't find them
My friend have a big collection of marks
Last year I present( give) him a big alboum
Did you see, how did our boys play in basketball?
When my grandmother was a little girl, she loved to sing and dance
Who are you talking with? There is nobody in the room
I'm talking with my brother by phone
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