Перевести текст ( не в переводчике) 10 sam heard the fireman on the window. he was (frightened), but he knew he had to get out . the flames were big and he was hot. slowly, he moved towards the window. it was (small) and sam didn't know if he could get throught. he managed after many attemptps and when he reahed the ground he felt very glad. he suddenly realised that he was tired. all he wanted to do was to sleep
Однако Сэм сумел это сделать после множества попыток, и, когда его ноги коснулись земли, он почувствовал облегчение.
Вдруг он понял, что очень устал. Сейчас он хотел только одного - лечь к себе в кроватку.