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крепостной крестьянин герасим работает у   барыни слугой. герасим был глухонемой от рождения, но при этом, успевал делать всю работу во дворе у своей барыни. все ее приказы он выполнял лучше всех. он влюбился в прачку татьяну, но ту выдали замуж за пьяницу сапожника. позже герасим нашел собачку, которую назвал муму. он привязался к ней, но барыня решила его унизить и приказала утопить собачку. герасим не мог ослушаться приказа. он, с  болью в сердце, бросил собачку в озеро. после этого, герасим проявил силу воли у не пал духом. он уехал к себе в родную деревню и стал там жить.  90

DeNcHiK123st DeNcHiK123st    1   14.10.2019 17:23    1

kseniya279 kseniya279  14.10.2019 18:21


the serf peasant gerasim works at the lady's servant. gerasim was deaf-mute from birth, but at the same time, managed to do all the work in the courtyard of his lady. he carried out all her orders best of all. he fell in love with the washerwoman tatyana, but she was given to marry a drunkard shoemaker. gerasim later found a dog that he named mumu. he became very attached to her, but the lady decided to humiliate him and ordered to drown the dog. gerasim could not disobey the order. he, with a pain in his heart, threw the dog into the lake. after that, gerasim showed willpower at not discouraged. he went to his native village and began to live there.


maksisenko6451 maksisenko6451  14.10.2019 18:21


the serf peasant gerasim works at the lady's servant. gerasim was deaf-mute from birth, but at the same time, managed to do all the work in the courtyard of his lady. he carried out all her orders best of all. he fell in love with the washerwoman tatyana, but she was given to marry a drunkard shoemaker. gerasim later found a dog that he named mumu. he became very attached to her, but the lady decided to humiliate him and ordered to drown the dog. gerasim could not disobey the order. he, with a pain in his heart, threw the dog into the lake. after that, gerasim showed willpower at not discouraged. he went to his native village and began to live there.


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