Перевести текст: most businessmen will agree that good news comes over phone and bad news appears in their mail box. when you write a business letter you have to weight many aspects of the situation. you have to consider ways to organize your letter effectively and to maintain positive and productive customers relations. a positive answer to an inquiry about a particular product might include such particulars as cost and availability. also, there must be a range of products available or a process by which the product has to be purchased. in an effective conclusion to such a letter you should try to build a relationship that will lead to good feelings about your company and in some cases, future business. saying “ no”, which is always difficult in person, is easier in a letter. but when your company rejects a request made by a customer, you have to remember that future business and the company’s image are on stake. the wording and approach have to be careful. a conclusion to such a letter should suggest a willingness on the part of the refuser to continue doing business with the reader ( the customer). a mild statement of regret or a sincere good will wish might be appropriate.