Перевести текст . это матрешка. у нее есть два глаза, нос и рот. у нее также есть желтые волосы. она в красном платке и в желтом сарафане.

adamadam adamadam    2   19.05.2019 07:30    0

romatrapkin9091 romatrapkin9091  12.06.2020 11:55

This matryoshka. She has two eyes, a nose and mouth. She also has yellow hair. She's in a red scarf and a yellow sundress.

margaritrw margaritrw  12.06.2020 11:55

This is a matryoshka doll. It has two eyes, nose and mouth. She also has yellow hair. She was in a red scarf and a yellow sundress.

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