Перевести с на . имея доступ к интернету,мы можем получать за день столько информации,сколько не получали в 17-18 веке за всю жизнь. мы можем учить языки,видеться с родными.уже в 2020 году люди полетят колонизировать марс и все это технологиям.

debnatkh debnatkh    2   19.08.2019 11:40    0

спецназ8 спецназ8  05.10.2020 04:59
Having access to the internet, we can get the day as much information as is not received in the 17-18 century in a lifetime.
We can learn languages, see our parents in 2020, people fly to colonize Mars and it's all thanks to technology.
violka5 violka5  05.10.2020 04:59
На Having access to the lnternet we can get as much information per day did not get much in the 17 the 18th century in his life we can see to learn languages other already in 2020 people fly to coloneze Mars and all this technology blogoborua
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