Перевести с на ! 1) мой брат катается на велосипеде во дворе сейчас. 2) я разговариваю по телефону сейчас. 3) папа не читает газету сейчас. 5) мой друг выводит на прогулку свою собаку сейчас. 6) у меня урок сейчас. 7) моя мама не едет в москву сейчас. 8) у них урок сейчас. 9) мы идём в музей сейчас. 10) я не фотографирую сейчас.

kmatachp01gzm kmatachp01gzm    1   13.07.2019 20:20    9

joeehazber joeehazber  20.09.2020 08:21
1) My brother is riding a bicycle in the courtyard now
2) I am talking on the phone now
3) Father isn't reading the newspaper now
5)My friend is taking his dog for a walk now
6) I m having English lesson now 7) My mother isn't going to Moscow now 8) They are having History lesson now 9) We are going to the museum now 10) I am not taking pictures now
dlink162 dlink162  20.09.2020 08:21
1. My brother is riding а bicycle now
2. I am talking on the phone now
3. Father isn't reading newspaper now
4. My friend is taking his dog for a walk now
5. I am having English lesson now
6. My mother isn't going to Moscow now
7. They are having a history lesson now
8. We are going to museum now
9. I amn't shоoting now
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