Перевести речення з активного стану в пассивный :
1) Somebody prefers chocolate
2)somebody often steals cars
3)somebody plays loud music
4)somebody speaks English here
5) somebody loves the London
6)somebody writes articles
7)somebody cooks dinner every day
8)somebody delivers Milk in the mornings
9)somebody washes the cars every week
10) somebody cuts the grass
11) somebody sends emails
12)somebody prefers chocolate

tanya598 tanya598    3   05.04.2020 18:50    1

Джека11111окш Джека11111окш  12.10.2020 15:56


chocolate is preferred

cars are often stolen

loud music is played

English is spoken here

london is loved

articles are written

dinner is cooked every day

milk is delivered in the morning

the cars are washed every week

the grass is cut

emails are sent

chocolate is preferred

по идее так, сори, если где-то ошиблась

но вроде все правильно

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