Перевести прямую речь в косвенную 1"don't stay in the classroom during the the break", said the teacher. 2" have you got an aunt or an uncle,lucy? " asked goerge 3 " what are you doing here, tony? " asked ad 4 "aluce, can you take part in the competition today? " asked richard 5 kare : " bob,bring back my pen,plwase"

Melisaoz07 Melisaoz07    2   27.07.2019 20:00    3

Carolina1Cerry Carolina1Cerry  25.09.2020 13:49

1 The teacher said not to stay in the classroom during the break.

 2 George asked Lucy if she had got an aunt or an uncle.

 3 Ad asked Tony what he was doing there

 4 Richard asked Alice if she could you take part in the competition that day

 5 Kate asked Bob to bring back her pen.

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