Перевести проффисионально на языland use planning is the term given to public policy that directs how the land in a community is used. the goal is to balance the needs of the people who live in the area with the needs of the environment. this term is often used interchangeably with urban planning. at its most basic, land use planning determines which parts of a community will be used for residential areas and which will be used as commercial areas. this is called zoning. it also places a great deal of emphasis on transportation planning. transportation planning includes several components. public transportation is important in areas that have a dense population since, without effective public transportation, automobile congestion would be so heavy that it would affect the quality of life of the people in the area. transportation planning also includes designing roadways in the community, since properly designed roads can relieve congestion and stress associated with commuting. once the basic zoning and transportation issues are resolved, land use planning can expand in a variety of ways. the planner may design the physical layout of the community, and determine the scale of development permitted in various areas. effective land use planning is impossible without land information. such information includes land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and land use. even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an aspect of survival. land helps people to survive. that’s why lands are very important resources for men. some people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. but a large percentage of the human race of the third world still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. these people experience great poverty, but they provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. they have a degree of economic independence. the inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for themselves, directly, the means of survival. here we can observe the opposite situation – a high level of living together with an extreme economic dependence. such people depend upon the efforts and cooperation of many thousands of specialist workers, among them land use planners. land use planning is concerned with land cadastre, land relations, land improvement, agriculture, soil sciences, law, geodesy, geography, computer science, etc. to solve these problems land use planners must be not only qualified but profoundly educated specialists.