Перевести по буквами что бы проще выучить. one busy morning eleven busy cats wash their faces and clean their teeth in the house.twelve busy monkeys play football in the zoo.thirteen busy pigs read good books at school.fourteen busy rabbits write in their workbooks. fifteen busy foxs count their pencils.sixteen busy dogs run and iump in the park.seventeen busy dusks swim in the river.eighteen busy birds fly in the sky.nineteen busy frogs skip in the forest.twenty busy cockerels sing on the farm. and only one little baby elephant sleeps in his room.

seminalydmila seminalydmila    3   10.07.2019 20:50    5

IrishkaKoteika2689 IrishkaKoteika2689  17.09.2020 14:59
Одним беззаботным утром 11 безаб. Котя мыли морды и чистили зубы около дома. 12 безаб. Обезьян играли в футбол в зопарке.
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