Перевести не с переводчика:
1) the following fertilizers have to be applied; in order to apply the following fertilizers the farmer should…; for the following fertilizers to be applied; the following fertilizers are too expensive to be applied; we expected the fanner to apply the following fertilizers; applying the following fertilizers the farmer improved…; the farmer applying the following fertilizers improved…; the farmer applied the following fertilizers to improve…; to apply the following fertilizers is a good practice;
2) to purchase land for housing is expensive; we expect the corporation to purchase the land for housing; in order to purchase land for housing; for the land to be purchased for housing; the land is too far from the centre of the city to be purchased for office buildings; the land purchased for housing; purchasing land for housing, the corporation…; the corporation purchasing land for housing;
3) для того, чтобы арендаторы взяли в аренду эту землю; арендаторы, берущие в аренду эту землю; беря в аренду землю, арендаторы…; земля, сданная арендаторам; чтобы взять в аренду землю, арендаторы… (два варианта); мы думаем, что арендаторы берут в аренду эту землю, чтобы…; аренда земли популярна среди…